
CMS announces new payment model to improve quality, coordination, and cost-effectiveness for both inpatient and outpatient care

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) announced the launch of a new voluntary bundled payment model called Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced).  Under traditional fee-for-service payment, Medicare pays providers for each individual service they perform.  Under this bundled payment model, participants … [Read More]

Endowing Healthcare Analytics Incorporated with SaaS Based BI

With the escalating challenges faced by the healthcare industry, providers must keep up with or stay one step ahead of the competition. According to 2014 report by Gartner, the lack of a BI strategy is one of “nine fatal flaws in business operations improvement (BOI)” in healthcare. Business intelligence has the potential to help healthcare … [Read More]

HealthCare – An Industry Under Transformation

What if your cell phone could detect cancer cells circulating in your blood or warn you of an imminent heart attack? Ubiquity of smart phones, bandwidth, pervasive connectivity, social networking, genome sequencing, powerful computers, imaging capabilities, information systems, and regulations are converging to create an unprecedented perfect storm in the U.S. healthcare industry. We are … [Read More]

CentraMed Client Hospitals Adopt the Biometric Patient Identification Solution PatientSecure®

CentraMed has partnered with Florida-based healthcare technology company HT Systems to offer their biometric patient identification solution PatientSecure®, and is pleased to announce that two CentraMed client hospitals, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital and Lafayette General Medical Center, both in Louisiana, have signed an agreement for the PatientSecure system. PatientSecure utilizes leading-edge palm vein pattern recognition … [Read More]

2014 OPPS Final Rule Outcome for Collapse of E/M Levels

For 2014 CMS has finalized the collapse of the clinic visit codes. They have opted to not include Type A or B ED visits at this time. The national reimbursement rate for G0463 under APC 0634 is $92.53. CMS will continue to explore the ED visits and address in future rule making. For now, hospital … [Read More]